
Reworking My Site

Hey! What a busy summer! Well, I've finally got my new Mac up and running and most of my PC files transfered. Everything seems to be running smoothly (and I'm crossing my fingers that it will continue this way too ^_^ ). It's pretty awesome though, my Mac can run a virtual Windows machine! Sweet! Now I've got the best of both worlds in one! :D I think I may be way too excited about all this! ^_~

Okay, now, on to the reason on why I'm posting. Since I have some extra time on my hands, I'm updating my website. So, if links are broken, or if they bring you to someplace that you weren't expecting....Don't panic! ^_~ Hopefully all this reworking will result in a better portfolio website. Thanks for your understanding!

1 comment:

Samuel Goh Kim Eng said...

Pls visit/share/comment on my blog


for motivational poems, etc...


Samuel Goh Kim Eng
Motivation In Motion
Tue. 13th Nov. 2007